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To our Genetic Counselling team for awards at the Board of Genetic Counselling India


To our Genetic Counselling team for awards at the Board of Genetic Counselling India 5th annual e-conference held from 2nd to 4th July 2020.

Angela Devanboo,
won the joint second prize for case presentation for the poster titled Challenges in genetic counselling involving mosaic embryos obtained post PGT-A – A case report.
Angela Devanboo and Dr Priya Kadam
Shweta Mahalingam,
won the joint second prize in the category 'others' for the poster titled Implications of language barrier in genetic counselling in the era of telegenetics.
Shweta Mahalingam, Angela Devanboo, Prachi Inamdar, RijuNair, Dr.Madhavilatha GK, Dr.Priya Kadam and Dr.Sheetal Sharda
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