What is Preimplantation Genetic Testing- Aneuploidy (PGT-A)?

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGT-A) is a test that examines chromosomal material of an in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos before implantation. It involves removing one or more cells from an IVF embryo to test for numerical chromosomal abnormalities (aneuploidy). This screening method facilitates the selective implantation of embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes (Euploid Embryos).
- One in two human preimplantation-IVF embryos are chromosomally abnormal.1
- Up to 40% of morphologically normal embryos harbor aneuploidies.2
- [1] McCoy RC. Mosaicism in Preimplantation Human Embryos: When chromosomalabnormalities are the norm. Trends Genet. 33(7): 448–463 (2017).
- [2] Harton GL, Munne S, Surrey M, et al. Diminished effect of maternal age on implantation afterpreimplantation genetic diagnosis with array comparative genomic hybridization. Fertil Steril.2013;100(6):1695–1703.

What are the common conditions that Pre-implantation Genetic Testing-A can detect?
- Turner Syndrome
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Down Syndrome
- Edwards Syndrome
- Patau Syndrome
- Other trisomies and monosomies that increase the risk of implantation failure and miscarriage
- Segmental Gain and Losses (>10Mb) in chromosomes which can lead to abnormalities in the embryo
Why do you need the PGT-A test?

- Reduces the number of IVF cycles required to achieve a successful pregnancy. 73% pregnancy rate with PGT-A vs 36% without using PGT-A$
- Increases success rate for single embryo transfer
- Reduces the likelihood of miscarriage due to Aneuploidies
- Increases reproductive success rates in women above 35 years
- $: Majumdar G, Majumdar A, Lall M, Verma IC, Upadhyaya KC. Preimplantation genetic screening for all 24 chromosomes by microarray comparative genomic hybridization significantly increases implantation rates and clinical pregnancy rates in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization with poor prognosis. J Hum Reprod Sci 2016;9:94-100
When can the PGT-A test be done?

After fertilisation when the embryo is 3 to 5 days old. At this stage, there are sufficient number of cells from which DNA can be isolated,thus ensuring success of the test. Mosaicism of Aneuploidies can be detected at this stage Vitrification (rapid-freezing) of embryos after biopsy also allows the clinician todetermine the optimum conditions for implantation
Who needs to get PGT Test?

- Couples undergoing IVF
- Advanced maternal age
- Patients with repeated implantation failure or recurrent pregnancy loss while undergoing IVF
- Women over 35 years old undergoing IVF
- Couples with recurrent miscarriages
- Positive history of chromosomal abnormalities in the family
- Diagnosed carriers of chromosomal aberrations
Why Claria PGT-A is better?

- PGT- A at Medgenome Robust sequencing technology that provides sensitive and replicable results
- CAP proficiency testing passed
- Inherent flexibility to suit your needs without any compromise on quality.
- We provide end-to-end support: From site validation and embryo biopsy training, to result data interpretation, phenotype correlation and genetic counselling
What is the technology that Claria- PGT-M uses?
- SNP- Array based technique : can identify SNV, large deletion, duplications (pseudogenes will not interfere in this test) : Mandatory requirement of reference reports (genetic reports) and samples of the couple + Reference (Child/ Couple’s parents, based on which partner carries the disease): Do send us the reports for review.
- Sanger Based PGT-m: Can identify SNV, small deletions and duplication (only for genes which does not have any pseudogene), Allele drop out cannot be ruled out.
- PGT-M is divided in 2 phases:
- Pre-PGT: On the couple and reference samples (with known genetic status)
- PGT-M on biopsy samples.
What are the advantages of NGS based techniques?
- Rapid and convenient
- Screening of all 23 pairs of chromosomes for abnormalities in one test
- Able to detect greater than 10 Mb gains and losses in chromosomes
- Higher resolution – 1Mb areas are analysed to provide data with high confidence
- High sensitivity in detecting Aneuploidy (100 % sensitivity)
- High specificity and accuracy (99.98% specificity)
- Lower chances of test failure with NGS
Advantages of PGT-A by NGS vs. other screening approaches
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) | Array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (aCGH) | Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Microarray | NGS |
A largely manual process, highly skill/operator dependant. | Requires normal DNA for each sample to provide a comparison. A prolonged hybridisation step. | SNP array analysis of DNA, extracted from a cell population, cannot indicate the mosaicism within the sample. | NGS detects partial chromosomal gains and losses more precisely. NGS detects Aneuploidy and segmental imbalances at the same time. |
Screening all 24 chromosomes at once requires a special probes set, requiring separate software at higher cost per sample. | Levels of mosaicism of 20% or less will not be detected. | Longer time needed to complete intended test. | NGS provides more accurate detection of mosaicism of the Trophectoderm cells from blastocyst biopsy. |
Difficult to resolve chromosomal overlaps/split signals. | Relatively expensive. | Relatively expensive. | NGS offers reduced costs and enhanced precision. It allows parallel analysis for multiple embryos for a single patient. In a single run, samples from different patients can be analysed together as well. |
Claria PGT-A workflow
What is Preimplantation Genetic Testing for structural rearrangements (Translocation): PGT-SR?

PGT-SR stands for Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements. This type of genetic testing is used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to screen embryos for structural chromosomal abnormalities.
Structural rearrangements in chromosomes can include events like translocations. These rearrangements can sometimes lead to infertility, miscarriage, or genetic disorders in offspring.
PGT-SR helps identify embryos that carry these structural abnormalities before implantation, allowing individuals and couples to select embryos with a normal chromosomal structure, thereby increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy and healthy baby.
What can Claria PGT-SR?
Unbalanced translocation (karyotyping report should be shared for the review ) 46,XX,der(3)t(3;8)(p11.2;p23), 46, XY,t(10;15)(q11.2;p11.2), 46,XX,t(7;10)(p11.2 q22), 46,XY,t(5;20)(p15.3;q11.2) etc.
What is the technology that Claria- PGT-SR?
Claria PGT-SR is processed using advanced Next- Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology
What can Claria PGT-M detect?
Single gene disorders (HBB, PKD, SMN, DMD, SMPD1, ITGB2, GJB2, CFTR, ATP6V0A2, SEMA3E, L1CAM, NF1 etc)

Who is Claria PGT-M for?

- Carriers of X-linked genetic disorders
- Carriers of single gene disorders
- Couples who have a child/ children affected by a single gene disorder
- Couples who have a family history of a single gene disorder
What are the benefits of PGT-M?
- PGT-M can test for most single gene disorders
- PGT-M allows the clinician to select embryos that do not carry the single gene disorder being tested for the implantation
- By using PGT-M the single gene disorder can be prevented from being passed on from one generation to the next