Micra - Infectious Disease Genetics

MedGenome’s comprehensive offering of the most advanced genetic and molecular tests for infectious diseases. The integrated molecular diagnostics solution enables clinicians to accurately identify the causative organism as well as detect drug resistance for informed treatment and management decisions.

For more details, please write to us at techsupport@medgenome.com

molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases

Comprehensive Range of Infectious Disease Genetic Testing Solutions

SPIT SEQ - Whole Genome Sequencing of Mtb for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

SPIT SEQ - Whole Genome Sequencing of Mtb for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis Diagnostics Solution

Tuberculosis Diagnostics Solution

Syndrome Evaluation System for CNS Infections

Syndrome Evaluation System (SES*) for CNS Infections

Syndrome Evaluation System (SES*) for Systemic Infections

Syndrome Evaluation System (SES*) for Systemic Infections

Syndrome Evaluation System (SES*) for Eye Infections

Syndrome Evaluation System (SES*) for Eye Infections

*Syndrome Evaluation System (SES) is a patented technology of XCyton diagnostics
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