Unlocking Insights: Genetic Tests Every Woman Should Consider

Genes are our body’s blueprint, the fundamental units of heredity housed in chromosomes. They carry instructions for producing proteins that shape our appearance and govern bodily functions. Inheriting 23 chromosome pairs from each parent defines our traits. Beyond physical characteristics, genes influence health, including the likelihood of developing diseases. Both genders inherit such traits, but some are uniquely tied to women. This article delves into genetic health conditions influencing women’s health and reproduction and available genetic tests for detection.

NIPT, or Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, is a cutting-edge genetic screening that analyzes fetal DNA from a maternal blood sample. This non-invasive method provides crucial insights into potential chromosomal abnormalities, allowing expectant parents to make informed decisions about their pregnancy.

BRCA Mutations and Cancer Risk: Typically safeguarding against certain cancers, the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can malfunction due to mutations. Inheriting these mutations increases the likelihood of breast, ovarian, or other cancers. Approximately 30% of breast and ovarian cancer cases stem from BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations. Recent scientific advancements offer tests like the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene test, enhancing early detection, boosting overall patient survival, and reducing treatment costs.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: RPL refers to three or more consecutive pregnancy losses before 20 weeks. Studies show 1% to 2% of pregnant women experience RPL, with genetic factors contributing to 2%-5% of cases. Chromosomal abnormalities, originating from the egg, sperm, or embryo, are the main cause. Genetic tests like Karyotyping and Chromosomal Microarray Testing help identify issues. Karyotyping reveals parental translocation carriers, and Chromosomal Microarray Testing detects extra or missing chromosomal segments in case of pregnancy loss. Results guide couples in planning future pregnancies.

Inherited disorders, whether autosomal recessive or X-linked can be passed on by seemingly healthy parents. Screening for these mutations is crucial to manage and prevent transmission. X-linked disorders are inherited by sons through their mothers, e. Carrier Screening tests identify carriers, aiding couples in planning their future. A comprehensive test screens for genetic disorders, detecting mutations in over 2000 genes across autosomes and sex chromosomes.

Implantation failure in IVF occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities in 50% of embryos. Even morphologically normal embryos may have up to 40% aneuploidies, leading to unsuccessful pregnancies. Preimplantation Genetic Screening examines chromosomal material in IVF embryos before transfer, identifying aneuploidies. This selective approach ensures the transfer of embryos with a normal chromosome count (Euploid Embryos), increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. Advanced molecular biology techniques offer various genetic tests, readily accessible in India at affordable prices. Increased awareness among women about these options is crucial for promoting a healthy life and fostering a healthy family.


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider or a genetic counsellor for personalized guidance and information regarding genetic tests.

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